Call for Abstracts – SAHF MASAC Educational Symposium 2024
The SAHF MASAC Educational Symposium will be held on 15 and 16 November 2024. The meeting aims to showcase the latest developments, share and broaden the knowledge base of Haemophilia treaters in South Africa. If you would like to participate in the program by presenting research that you have performed, you are requested to submit your abstract without delay. The closing date for intent to submit an abstract is 30 August 2024 and final closing date will be the 30 September 2024 to allow for review by the abstract review panel. 5 Abstracts will be presented, and the remainder as selected will be displayed as posters in the poster hall
The best presented abstract will be awarded a prize.
Abstract Guidelines
 - The title should be brief and clearly indicate the nature of the study.
 - Authors and their affiliations should be clearly stated.
 - The body of the abstract should be no more than 350 words.
 - The abstract should consist of four sections labelled:
   - Background: Clearly state the objectives of the study/investigation
   - Methods: Describe the basic procedures (study subjects and analytical methods)
   - Results: Present the main findings in a logical sequence giving specific data and the statistical significance if possible
   - Discussion/Conclusion: Emphasize new and important aspects of the study and the principal conclusions that are drawn from them.
Note: Closing date of abstracts is 30 September 2024
Presenters will be notified if successful for presentation or poster by 9 October 2024
Submissions to be sent to:
If your presentation is considered by the panel to be a poster presentation the poster recommendations are as follows:
MASAC 2024 Poster Guidelines 
Poster Size: The poster should be no larger than 0.84 x 1.12m (84 x 112 cm)
Orientation: portrait/vertical format.
This is the size of the usable surface of the display panels.
Do NOT exceed the size of the display panel.
Place a heading that runs the full width of the poster at the top in a large-sized type.
Use San-serif typefaces for legibility.
The poster should be readable from 1.5 – 2 meters (4 – 6 feet).
The text should be no less than 8 mm (22-point font) and preferably larger.
Use a constant font throughout the poster.
Use a black and bold type to ensure legibility and let your important points stand out.
We suggest that you show the preferred sequence in which your poster should be reviewed; this can be done by using 3 – 5 columns so the eye movement is down the columns.
Highlight your main findings.
Don’t hide your conclusions, consider putting them at eye level, at the top of the right column or alternatively start with the Conclusions.
Otherwise, we suggest that you structure your poster by Introduction, Methods, Results, and Conclusions.
State your aims in the end of the introduction.
The figures and tables should cover approximately 50% of the poster area.
Please make sure you include your authors and title to your poster.
Mounting material to hang your poster will be provided
Other Recommendations
If possible, avoid abbreviations and acronyms, especially in the conclusion section.
Seek simplicity, keep text to a minimum and avoid redundancies.
Feel free to provide one or more key references.

Optional - Prepare a short (< 60 seconds) oral guide through your poster to be offered to those that prefer your words before reading for themselves.
Handouts of your abstract/poster are allowed.
We encourage you to include your email address on your poster or handout, so anyone interested may contact the abstract author with questions, comments, or future research inquiries